Anson DG has an excellent track record working with Transport Canada.
Some of our customers include:
- Air Tindi
- Arctic Sunwest
- CGG Veritas
- Elbow River Helicopters
- Executive Flight Centre
- Jazz Aviation LP
- NovaJet
- Provincial Helicopters
- Reginal 1 Airlines
- Westjet
These programs have been approved on a regional and national scale.
Anson DG has experience in writing Dangerous Goods chapters and equivalency certificates.
Online Instruction
Our training schedules are open and flexible in order to meet the needs and demands of our clients. We tailor courses to suit you, your company, and your busy work schedule. We also have a classroom available for running all our courses. Minimum class size is three students.
Any of our courses can be run during the day, in the evening, or on weekends - our time is your time!
Anson DG offers tailor made online or in house training with support to complete your training requirements.
The Anson Dangerous Goods Inc. instructor is Kevin Anson. Kevin has over 38 years experience in the training, handling, and shipping of Dangerous Goods.
Online Training Courses
Air Transport of Dangerous Goods 2020 Initial- The initial classroom/online training for persons who handle, offer for transport or transports Dangerous Goods by air. This training complies with TDG part 6 and current IATA requirements. Who should apply: Shippers/Packers, stores staff, Receivers, Requires a current copy of the IATA DGR. Each student receives training customized exclusively for them, as well as a training manual. Classroom or in-house, plus a remote option is available contact Anson DG for information
Recurrent Offered online only. Complies with all current TDG and IATA requirements. Who should apply: Shippers/Packers, stores staff, Receivers.
Classroom or online. This course is a perfect add-on for the participants who were previously enrolled in the Initial Air Transport of Dangerous Goods training. The Radioactive Initial course can also be used as standalone training for the participant seeking Radioactive Air transport certification. Who should apply: Shippers/Packers, stores staff, Receivers, Freight Forwarders. Contact Anson DG for details
Online only. Written to the current TDG and IATA requirements for the participant looking to recertify their Radioactive Material Air Transport Training.
Air Operators Programs ()
As per Transport Canada requirements, an air carrier wishing to carry Dangerous Goods must have a Transport Canada-approved Dangerous Goods training program. Anson DG Under Air Operators programs offers: Cargo Acceptance, Flight Crew, ground Handling Staff, Passenger Check-in Staff, Security Staff, Limited Access and Aerial Work. Anson DG price includes Transport Canada Approval. Anson DG will work with you to complete your Dangerous Goods Chapter.
Dangerous goods training for the operators staff, such as ramp and cargo staff, who handle, store and load dangerous goods. Written to the Transport Canada standard and updated yearly with the IATA DGR. Includes exam, Notoc, pocket certificate and a download of the PDF manual.
Dangerous Goods training for flight crew and load planners. Written to the Transport Canada standard and updated yearly with the IATA DGR. Includes exam, checklist, Notoc, printable pocket certificate and PDF manual included.
Dangerous Goods training for passenger check-in staff. Written to the Transport Canada standard and updated yearly with the IATA DGR. Includes exam, incident forms, current IATA Table 2.3A, pocket certificate, and a download of the PDF manual.
Based on the current IATA edition and written to fully comply with TDG requirements for Transport Canada. Includes exam, checklist, Notoc, pocket certificate and printable PDF course manual included.
As per IATA Table 1.5A Security staff who deal with the screening of passengers and their baggage and cargo, mail or stores. This includes security screeners and related staff who are involved in implementing security procedures. Security personnel should possess dangerous goods training. This program does not require Transport Canada approval unless an air operator employs the individual. This program contains all the requirements of IATA Table 1.5A and all Transport Canada content to be approved. Includes exam, pocket certificate, and a PDF copy of the Manual.
Dangerous Goods training for operators who operate under the provisions of TDGR Part 12 and 12.9. Written to the Transport Canada standard and updated yearly with the IATA DGR. Includes exam, Notoc, pocket certificate and a download of the PDF manual.
The Anson DG Initial or Recurrent training is offered in the Classroom in house or Online. Based on the current IMDG regulations. Who should attend: Freight Forwarders, Shippers and Packers of Dangerous Goods to Ocean Carriers. Training is based on the IMDG content for shore based persons. Also covers TDG requirements for Part 11. Please contact Anson DG for details. The code is updated and maintained by the DSC Sub-Committee of the International Maritime Organization every 2 years. The current edition to the IMDG Code is the 2018 Edition; Incorporating Amendment 39-18. This edition was applied on a voluntary basis starting January 1st 2018 and became mandatory on January 1st 2020.